+FLASH | N.º 5 - Publicações

Lista de Estudos e Relatórios divulgados recentemente:

A UE em 2016 |  Comissão Europeia, 2017

Anuário Agrícola de Alqueva 2016 |  EDIA, 2017

CAP: Thinking Out of the Box - Further modernisation of the CAP – why, what and how? | Rural Investment Support for Europe (RISE) Foundation, 2017

Direct payments 2015-2020 - Decisions taken by Member States | European Commission, 2017

FAO and the SDGs: Indicators - Measuring up to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development |  FAO, 2017

Gender in agriculture and rural development |  European Institute for Gender Equality, 2017

Guide to EU Funding 2014-2020 | European Parliamentary Research Service, 2017

Managing risk in the dairy sector: how futures markets could help |  European Commission, March 2017

Sustainable agriculture, with a little help from our nature with a little help from our nature - Green infrastructure integration into the agriculture sector | CEEweb for Biodiversity, 2017

Rotulagem alimentar: um guia para uma escolha consciente |  Associação Portuguesa de Nutricionistas (apoio institucional da DGAV), 2017

The consequences of climate change for EU agriculture. Follow-up to the COP21 - UN Paris climate change conference | European Parliament, 2017

Towards an integrated approach to livestock farming, sustainable diets and the environment: challenges for the Common Agricultural Policy and the UK | IEEP, 2017

World Water Development Report 2017: Wastewater, the Untapped Resource (EN) | Resumo executivo (PT) | UNESCO, 2017 


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