+FLASH N.º 37 - Publicações

Lista de Estudos e Relatórios divulgados recentemente: 

2019 Europe Sustainable Development Report | IEEP, 19 novembro 2019

18ª edição do Boletim de Fundos da União Europeia | Portugal2020, 15 novembro 2019

Advancing the forest and water nexus: A capacity development facilitation guide | FAO, 2019

Annual European Union approximated greenhouse gas inventory for the year 2018 | European Environment Agency, 6 novembro 2019

Climate change adaptation in the agriculture sector in Europe | European Environment Agency, 6 novembro 2019

Crop monitoring in Europe. Vol. 27 No 7, July 2019 | European Commission, 6 novembro 2019

Digital Report_ No more wasted food_ Explore FAO's flagship global report on reducing food loss and waste | OCDE, 2019

Enhancing Climate Change Mitigation through Agriculture | OCDE, 16 outubro 2019

Evaluation of the impact of the CAP on generational renewal, local development and jobs in rural areas - Final report - Study | European Commission, 11 novembro 2019

Guidelines for submission and evaluation of applications for the approval of active substances in pesticides - Study | European Parliament, 15 novembro 2019

Megatrends in the agri-food sector: global overview and possible policy response from an EU perspective | European Parliament, setembro 2019

Phytosanitary controls on plants for planting and seeds to be exported to the European Union | European Commission, 11 novembro 2019

Policies for encouraging healthier food choices | OCDE, 28 outubro 2019

Preparing for future AKIS in Europe | European Commission, outubro 2019

Relatório Especial nº 21/2019: Atuação contra a resistência antimicrobiana: apesar dos progressos no setor animal, esta ameaça para a saúde continua a ser um desafio para a UE | TCE, 15 novembro 2019

Retrato de Portugal na Europa 2019 | Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, 29 outubro 2019

Safety Assessment of Foods and Feeds Derived from Transgenic Crops, Volume 3 | OCDE, 6 novembro 2019

Study of the best ways for producer organisations to be formed, carry out their activities and be supported | European Commission, outubro 2019

Sustainable healthy diets - guiding principles | FAO, Outubro 2019

TRACES, TRAde Control and Expert System - Annual report 2018 | European Commission, 10 novembro 2019

World Food and Agriculture - Statistical Pocketbook 2019 | FAO, 4 novembro 2019

World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency | Biosience, 9 novembro 2019


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