
112 ANALYSIS AND PROSPECTIVE STUDIES CULTIVAR Issue 22 APRIL 2021 • In 2001, the age groups up to 15 are smaller than in 1991, which reflects an even lower birth rate and, consequently, an older population. The predominance of the 20–39 age groups shows an adult pyramid that reflects a low birth rate and rising average life expectancy. • In the last census held in 2011, Portugal clearly shows an ageing (population) pyramid. The birth rate is substantially lower than in previous censuses and therefore there is a low propor- tion of young people, while average life expec- tancy is high, implying a high proportion of old people. With fewer young people and more old people, the pyramid looks increasingly inverted, which is characteristic of this type of population evolution, typical of developed countries. • Comparing the age pyramids for rural parishes from 2001 to 2011, it is very visible that there 500000 400000 300000 200000 100000 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 0-4years 5-9years 10-14years 15-19years 20-24years 25-29years 30-34years 35-39years 40-44years 45-49years 50-54years 55-59years 60-64years 65-69years 70-74years 75-79years 80-84years >=85years Age pyramid − Portugal 1991 M F 500000 400000 300000 200000 100000 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 0-4years 5-9years 10-14years 15-19years 20-24years 25-29years 30-34years 35-39years 40-44years 45-49years 50-54years 55-59years 60-64years 65-69years 70-74years 75-79years 80-84years 85-89years 90-94years 95-99years >=100years Age pyramid − Portugal 2001 M F 500000 400000 300000 200000 100000 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 0-4years 5-9years 10-14years 15-19years 20-24years 25-29years 30-34years 35-39years 40-44years 45-49years 50-54years 55-59years 60-64years 65-69years 70-74years 75-79years 80-84years 85-89years 90-94years 95-99years >=100years Age pyramid − Portugal 2011 M F 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 0-4years 5-9years 10-14years 15-19years 20-24years 25-29years 30-34years 35-39years 40-44years 45-49years 50-54years 55-59years 60-64years 65-69years 70-74years 75-79years 80-84years 85-89years 90-94years 95-99years >=100years Age pyramid − Rural parishes (RDP 2020) − 2001 e 2011 2011 (F) 2011 (M) 2001 (F) 2001 (M) M F 500000 400000 300000 200000 100000 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 0-4years 5-9years 10-14years 15-19years 20-24years 25-29years 30-34years 35-39years 40-44years 45-49years 50-54years 55-59years 60-64years 65-69years 70-74years 75-79years 80-84years 85-89years 90-94years 95-99years >=100years Agepyramid−2011 Ruralparishes(F) Ruralparishes(M) Portugal(F) Portugal(M) M F was a drop in population, with an even nar- rower pyramid base and therefore a decline in the young population. The working age popu- lation only reflects the ten years spanning the censuses, which is marked by an increase in the old-age population (over 64). • In the last chart, the total national age pyramid for 2011 is compared to the age pyramid for the population of the rural parishes. A substantial difference – an almost tubular pyramid – can be seen. This expresses many of the previous observations. In rural parishes, population age- ing is matched by a small working population and an even smaller young population. • The change in these age structure pyramids for the population in rural parishes reveals that there is no population renewal and that the base of the pyramid is becoming increasingly narrow. Age pyramids 1991–2011