
Rural population in mainland Portugal 101 Rural population in mainland Portugal* Rui Trindade and Manuel Loureiro Office of Planning, Policy and General Administration (GPP) This article will provide a brief analysis of data from the 2001 and 2011 Housing and Population cen- suses, some indicators produced by the national statistics office (INE – Statistics Portugal) and also data from the General Agricultural Census (RGA) 2009. 1 The analysis uses parish-level data to provide an overview of the issues relating to population and the reality of rural life in mainland Portugal vis-á-vis these variables. This graphic parish-level presentation includes those rural parishes defined by the Rural Development Programme for mainland Portugal for 2014–2020 (PDR2020), 2 bearing in mind the administrative divi- sion of 2012 into 4,050 parishes for closer alignment with the 2001 and 2011 census data. * Editor’s note: Originally published in CULTIVAR issue 11 – Population and rural territory, March 2018, p. 95 as “Evolução da população rural no Continente” 1 In addition to the 2001 and 2011 censuses http://censos.ine. pt/xportal/xmain?xpgid=censos2011_apresentacao&xpid=CENSOS, information was also taken from the 1991 General Population Census for the age structure and the 2012 Official Administrative Map of Portugal (CAOP) by the Directorate General for the Territory (DGT) (vectoral information). 2 Programa de Desenvolvimento Rural do Continente para 2014-2020 (p. 89) Percentage of the resident population by large age groups • In 2001, the districts with the largest percent- age of people aged under 15 were Porto and Braga. In the district of Porto, this can be seen in the border around the city consisting of the municipalities of Amarante, Paredes, Penafiel, Lousada and Paços de Ferreira. In Braga, the municipalities are Guimarães, Barcelos and Braga. Inversely, the parishes with the smallest percentage of people aged under 15 are in the northeast, central inland and Algarve highland regions. • Data from the 2011 census show an older pop- ulation. Compared to 2001, there are 363 fewer parishes (-86%) in the >20% (over 20% of the resident population) category pertaining to the under-15 age group. Only 59 parishes are included and these are scattered across the dis- tricts of Braga, Porto and Lisbon.