Cultivar_10_Trabalho na agricultura e as novas tendências laborais

Questões da agricultura – promoção do trabalho digno 77 lho digno é fundamental para o desenvolvimento sustentável e imprescindível ao cumprimento da promessa dos ODS de “não deixar ninguém para trás”. Bibliografia Decent and Productive Work in Agriculture, Sectoral Policies Department, International Labour Office - Genebra: OIT, 2015 Decent Work for Food Security and Resilient Rural Livelihoods, Sectoral Policies Department, International Labour Office - Genebra: OIT, 2015 Promoting Decent Work for Rural Workers at the Base of the Supply Chain, Sectoral Policies Department, Internatio- nal Labour Office - Genebra: OIT, 2015 Safety and health in agriculture, Sectoral Policies Depart- ment, International Labour Office- Genebra: OIT, 2011 The rural economy: An untapped source of jobs, growth and development - OIT, 2017 Women at Work. Trends 2016 – Genebra: OIT, 2017 World Employment and Social Outlook 2016: Transforming jobs to end poverty , International Labour Office – Gene- bra: OIT, 2016